Thursday 3 May 2012

This isn't the blog you're looking for

All witty remarks and observations can now be found here:

Wizzard's Blog

Saturday 26 June 2010

Neglecting your own problems

Do you find yourself becoming a sponge, listening to others problems, soaking them up neglecting your own problems?

Making up fantasy worlds in your head of a utopian society where everything is hunky dory with no problems or cares in the world.

You finding that there is no pressure valve, no shoulder for you to cry on when you're feeling low.

I'll leave you with that thought.

Monday 21 June 2010

This entry is untitled so don't have a clue how it will appear when it's published. Had a nasty headache in the early hours, the tablets I took worked after an hour, so eventually I got at least 6 hours sleep.

Been a very hot day today, been into town for a nice long walk, I feel like going to sleep right now, however there is still a lot to do.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Good Morning

Looks like it's going to be a warmer and brighter day than yesterday. Going to spend a bit of time outside today once I've had breakfast. So entries may be a little thin on the ground again.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Back again

Had a pleasant evening away, got back in at 8.30, back out at 9 and now I'm back again for the moment. BTO took a tumble this morning, didn't see the moment of falling over just the aftermath.

Looking forward to "The Pandorica Opens" tonight, hopefully it lives up to the hype.

Friday 18 June 2010

Cooler outside

Looks like it's going to be a cooler day today, which I'm happy about. It was too hot for me yesterday. I even went to bed early because the heat was tiring me out.

Got aching legs this morning, hope it isn't the sign of flu.

Gallifrey Base finally back up after some technical issues. Lost 9,000 posts from the 16th June though which is  a little disappointing, some good content was lost at the time.

Still going to spend the day and evening with mum, haven't had a phonecall or text to say that there has been a change of plans. I may get a couple more posts in today before I leave. If not see you Saturday.

Thursday 17 June 2010


It's still warm outside, just waiting for my dinner to finish cooking. I'm out all day tomorrow and away tomorrow night as well.